In a fiery competition where participants fought passionately for a chance to shine, one name stood out above all others: Road to Glory.

This thrilling promotion, which took place from January 13 to February 5, 2024, caught the attention of thousands of gaming enthusiasts, all dreaming of winning the ultimate prize.

The tension was palpable from the first week as no less than 5486 participants embarked on the journey. Each day brought new challenges, new opportunities, and growing excitement. But it was just the beginning of the adventure.
Our winner's prices
Our VIP Package:

A round-trip plane ticket.

For the Africa Cup Final 2024


Be at the heart of the CAN final match


Assured transportation for your trips


Accommodation for 8 days


Take advantage of your stay to visit the Ivory Coast


Enjoy good food Made in Côte d’Ivoire

The second week saw the arrival of 4198 new participants, each determined to make their mark and get closer to the goal. The atmosphere was electric, as the stakes got higher and higher.

Then came the third week, when the adrenalin was at its peak, with 2,528 participants still in the running. Every move, every choice, was crucial as the competition reached its climax.

Finally, from the 7118 eligible participants, only one name was drawn to become the undisputed Road to Glory champion: Mr Mallick Ceesay ID 206236, . His victory was greeted by thunderous cheers and resounding applause.

As a reward for his prowess, Mallick Ceesay ID 206236 will receive treatment worthy of a legend: a plane ticket to Côte d’Ivoire, three days’ accommodation in a luxury venue, a ticket to attend the final match in person, and VIP transport for all his travels. It’s a prize that goes beyond the wildest dreams.

This victory perfectly illustrates Bwinners’ mission: to offer its players an unforgettable experience, combining the excitement of the game with exceptional rewards. The Road to Glory is more than just a competition; it’s a celebration of passion, dedication and luck. And with champions like Mallick Ceesay ID 206236, the adventure is just beginning.